Setting up local monitoring

Trinity comes with a system that allows a wide range of metrics to be recorded at runtime to be written to an InfluxDB database. The data can be visualized in different ways but we chose Grafana to visualize the data through various charts.

Although the Trinity team maintains its own central metrics infrastructure, everyone can setup their own local InfluxDB and Grafana instances to work with the metrics system and display results.


This guide is only intended to setup a local development system. It may not follow best practices for production systems.

Setup InfluxDB

First, follow the official documentation to install InfluxDB.

Then point the InfluxDB service to its configuration file with influxd -config [Path to config file], in our case that is /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Once that is done, we start the service and check that it is running.


The specific commands differ for various operating systems but can be found in the official documentation


The default port for using InfluxDB is 8086.

Make the following modifications to the config file in /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:

At the top, we uncomment reporting-disabled = false and set it to true.

Under “http”, we uncomment enabled = true, bind-address = ":8086" and auth-enabled = false and set it to true.

Save the changes and exit.

Influx CLI

Once the InfluxDB service is running, we can open the Influx CLI using the influx command inside our terminal. We can leave the Influx CLI by executing exit.

Manage Databases

Enter the Influx CLI to create a new database using create database trinity.


While Trinity supports any database and user name via the parameters --metrics-influx-user and --metrics-influx-database, we can save us these configurations if we choose the name trinity for both the user and the database.

Run show databases to confirm the database was created successfully.

Manage Users

Now that we have a database, we need to add a users to it. First we have to select the database that we want to add the user to. This can be done via the use [db-name] command, use trinity in our case. After we specified which database to add users to, we run CREATE USER "trinity" WITH PASSWORD 'trinity' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES.

We can also create a regular user with CREATE USER "user" WITH PASSWORD '12345'.

To check whether our changes have been applied correctly, we can use show users command. For the changes to be applied to the current running service, we need to restart it using service influxdb restart inside the regular terminal.

Setup Grafana

Next, we follow the official documentation to install Grafana.

Start Grafana-Server

After the installation is done, we start the service and check that it is running.


The specific commands differ for various operating systems but can be found in the official documentation (e.g. it is sudo systemctl start grafana-server and sudo systemctl start influxd on Linux).

If Grafana is running correctly, we can go to http://localhost:3000. For the first login we use “admin” as username and “admin” as password. It is recommended to change these credentials after the first login.

Add Datasource to Grafana

Now that Grafana is running, we still need to connect our previously installed InfluxDB to it. We can do this by clicking on the “Create a data source” icon in the home screen at http://localhost:3000.

The parameters are:

  • NAME: InfluxDB Trinity
  • HTTP URL: http://localhost:8086
  • ACCESS: SERVER(default)
  • Check: Basic Auth
  • Basic Auth Details: input User name + password, in our case “trinity” and “trinity”

InfluxDB Details:

  • Database: trinity
  • User: trinity
  • Password: trinity

We confirm our inputs by clicking “Save & Test” Button.

Start monitoring with Trinity

To start monitoring our data, we have to use several flags when starting up Trinity:

trinity --enable-metrics --metrics-host "test" --metrics-influx-server "localhost" --metrics-influx-password "trinity" --metrics-influx-protocol http --metrics-influx-port 8086

Let us go through all those flags one by one:

  • trinity is the basic command to start the client.
  • --enable-metrics enables the collection of metrics
  • --metrics-host boot-node-asia-1 tags each metrics with a host label such as boot-node-asia-1. This allows us to filter the dashboard in Grafana by the host machine that produced the data
  • --metrics-influx-server localhost the host where the InfluxDB is running.
  • --metrics-influx-password trinity the password that is used to access InfluxDB
  • --metrics-influx-protocol the protocol to access the InfluxDB can either be http or https. We use http in our development environment.
  • --metrics-influx-port 8086 The port being used to access the InfluxDB

If everything went right so far, at this point data should get fed into the InfluxDB and we can visualize them on Grafana dashboards.

Create Dashboards

Will follow soon!