Command Line Interface (CLI)

The following is a brief description of all the configurations available on the command line. We can also generate an always up-to-date version of them by running trinity --help.

usage: trinity [-h] [--version] [--trinity-root-dir TRINITY_ROOT_DIR]
               [--port PORT] [--trinity-tmp-root-dir] [-l LEVEL]
               [--stderr-log-level STDERR_LOG_LEVEL]
               [--file-log-level FILE_LOG_LEVEL]
               [--network-id NETWORK_ID | --ropsten | --goerli]
               [--preferred-node PREFERRED_NODES] [--max-peers MAX_PEERS]
               [--genesis GENESIS] [--data-dir DATA_DIR] [--nodekey NODEKEY]
               [--profile] [--disable-rpc]
               [--enable-http-apis ENABLE_HTTP_APIS]
               [--http-listen-address HTTP_LISTEN_ADDRESS]
               [--http-port HTTP_PORT]
               [--network-tracking-backend {sqlite3,memory,do-not-track}]
               [--disable-networkdb-component] [--disable-blacklistdb]
               [--disable-discovery] [--disable-upnp] [--enable-ethstats]
               [--ethstats-server-url ETHSTATS_SERVER_URL]
               [--ethstats-server-secret ETHSTATS_SERVER_SECRET]
               [--ethstats-node-id ETHSTATS_NODE_ID]
               [--ethstats-node-contact ETHSTATS_NODE_CONTACT]
               [--ethstats-interval ETHSTATS_INTERVAL] [--enable-metrics]
               [--metrics-host METRICS_HOST]
               [--metrics-influx-user METRICS_INFLUX_USER]
               [--metrics-influx-database METRICS_INFLUX_DATABASE]
               [--metrics-influx-password METRICS_INFLUX_PASSWORD]
               [--metrics-influx-server METRICS_INFLUX_SERVER]
               [--metrics-influx-port METRICS_INFLUX_PORT]
               [--metrics-influx-protocol METRICS_INFLUX_PROTOCOL]
               [--metrics-reporting-frequency METRICS_REPORTING_FREQUENCY]
               [--metrics-system-collector-frequency METRICS_SYSTEM_COLLECTOR_FREQUENCY]
               [--metrics-blockchain-collector-frequency METRICS_BLOCKCHAIN_COLLECTOR_FREQUENCY]
               [--sync-mode {header,full,beam,light,none}]
               [--sync-from-checkpoint SYNC_FROM_CHECKPOINT]
               [--force-beam-block-number FORCE_BEAM_BLOCK_NUMBER]


positional arguments:
    attach              open an REPL attached to a currently running chain
    db-shell            open a REPL to inspect the db
                        close any dangling processes from a previous unclean
    remove-network-db   Remove the on-disk sqlite database that tracks data
                        about the p2p network
    export              Export blocks to a file (RLP encoded)
    import              Import blocks from a file (RLP encoded)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable-rpc         Disables the JSON-RPC server
  --enable-http-apis ENABLE_HTTP_APIS
                        Enable HTTP access to specified JSON-RPC APIs (e.g.
                        'eth,net'). Use '*' to enable HTTP access to all
                        modules (including eth_admin).

  --http-listen-address HTTP_LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        Address for the HTTP server to listen on
  --http-port HTTP_PORT
                        JSON-RPC server port
  --disable-discovery   Disable peer discovery
  --disable-upnp        Disable upnp mapping
                        Disables the Request Server
  --disable-tx-pool     Disables the Transaction Pool

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --trinity-root-dir TRINITY_ROOT_DIR
                        The filesystem path to the base directory that trinity
                        will store it's information. Default:
  --port PORT           Port on which trinity should listen for incoming
                        p2p/discovery connections. Default: 30303
                        If this flag is set, trinity will launch with a
                        temporary root directory as provided by the
                        ``tempfile`` library.

  -l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL
                        Configure the logging level. LEVEL must be one of:
                        8/10/20/30/40/50 (numeric);
  --stderr-log-level STDERR_LOG_LEVEL
                        Configure the logging level for the stderr logging.
  --file-log-level FILE_LOG_LEVEL
                        Configure the logging level for file-based logging.

  --network-id NETWORK_ID
                        Network identifier (1=Mainnet, 3=Ropsten)
  --ropsten             Ropsten network: pre configured proof-of-work test
                        network. Shortcut for `--networkid=3`
  --goerli              Goerli network: pre configured proof-of-authority
                        (Clique) test network. Shortcut for `--networkid=5`
  --preferred-node PREFERRED_NODES
                        An enode address which will be 'preferred' above nodes
                        found using the discovery protocol
  --max-peers MAX_PEERS
                        Maximum number of network peers

  --genesis GENESIS     File containing a custom genesis configuration file
                        per EIP1085
  --data-dir DATA_DIR   The directory where chain data is stored
  --nodekey NODEKEY     Hexadecimal encoded private key to use for the nodekey
                        or the filesystem path to the file which contains the

  --profile             Enables profiling via cProfile.

network db:
  --network-tracking-backend {sqlite3,memory,do-not-track}
                        Configure whether nodes are tracked and how. (sqlite3:
                        persistent tracking across runs from an on-disk
                        sqlite3 database, memory: tracking only in memory, do-
                        not-track: no tracking)
                        Disables the builtin 'Network Database' component.
                        **WARNING**: disabling this API without a proper
                        replacement will cause your trinity node to crash.
                        Disables the blacklist database server component of
                        the Network Database component. **WARNING**: disabling
                        this API without a proper replacement will cause your
                        trinity node to crash.
                        Disables the ETH1.0 peer database server component of
                        the Network Database component. **WARNING**: disabling
                        this API without a proper replacement will cause your
                        trinity node to crash.
                        Enables the experimental tracking of metadata about
                        successful connections to Eth1 peers.

ethstats (experimental):
  --enable-ethstats     Enable node stats reporting service
  --ethstats-server-url ETHSTATS_SERVER_URL
                        Node stats server URL (e. g. wss://
  --ethstats-server-secret ETHSTATS_SERVER_SECRET
                        Node stats server secret
  --ethstats-node-id ETHSTATS_NODE_ID
                        Node ID for stats server
  --ethstats-node-contact ETHSTATS_NODE_CONTACT
                        Node contact information for stats server
  --ethstats-interval ETHSTATS_INTERVAL
                        The interval at which data is reported back

  --enable-metrics      Enable metrics component
  --metrics-host METRICS_HOST
                        Host name to tag the metrics data (e.g. trinity-
  --metrics-influx-user METRICS_INFLUX_USER
                        Influx DB user. Defaults to `trinity`
  --metrics-influx-database METRICS_INFLUX_DATABASE
                        Influx DB name. Defaults to `trinity`
  --metrics-influx-password METRICS_INFLUX_PASSWORD
                        Influx DB password. Defaults to ENV var
  --metrics-influx-server METRICS_INFLUX_SERVER
                        Influx DB server. Defaults to ENV var
  --metrics-influx-port METRICS_INFLUX_PORT
                        Influx DB port. Defaults to ENV var
                        TRINITY_METRICS_INFLUX_DB_PORT or 8086
  --metrics-influx-protocol METRICS_INFLUX_PROTOCOL
                        Influx DB protocol. Defaults to ENV var
                        TRINITY_METRICS_INFLUX_DB_PROTOCOL or http
  --metrics-reporting-frequency METRICS_REPORTING_FREQUENCY
                        The frequency in seconds at which metrics are reported
  --metrics-system-collector-frequency METRICS_SYSTEM_COLLECTOR_FREQUENCY
                        The frequency in seconds at which system metrics are
  --metrics-blockchain-collector-frequency METRICS_BLOCKCHAIN_COLLECTOR_FREQUENCY
                        The frequency in seconds at which blockchain metrics
                        are collected

sync mode:
  --sync-mode {header,full,beam,light,none}
  --sync-from-checkpoint SYNC_FROM_CHECKPOINT
                        Start syncing from a trusted checkpoint specified
                        using URI syntax:By specific block,
                        eth://block/byhash/<hash>?score=<score>Let etherscan
                        pick a block near the tip,
  --disable-backfill    Disable backfilling of headers (introduced through
  --force-beam-block-number FORCE_BEAM_BLOCK_NUMBER
                        Force beam sync to activate on a specific block number
                        (for testing)

Attach a REPL to a running Trinity instance

We can attach a REPL to a running Trinity instance to perform RPC request or interact with a web3 instance.

usage: trinity attach [-h] [ipc_path]
positional arguments:
    ipc_path    Specify an IPC path
optional arguments:
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Check out the Quickstart for a full example.

Per-module logging

Trinity provides rich logging output that can be of tremendous help during debugging. By default, Trinity prints only logs of level INFO or higher to stderr and only logs of level DEBUG or higher to the log file.

This can be adjusted to other log level such as ERROR or DEBUG2 and independently for both the stderr and the file log.

Starting Trinity with trinity --log-level DEBUG2 (shorthand: trinity -l DEBUG2) yields the absolute maximum of available logging output. However, running Trinity with maximum logging output might be too overwhelming when we are only interested in logging output for a specific module (e.g. p2p.discovery).

Fortunately, Trinity allows us to configure logging on a per-module basis by using the --log-level flag in combination with specific modules and log levels such as in: trinity --log-level DEBUG2 --log-level p2p.discovery=ERROR.

The following table shows various combinations of how to use logging in Trinity effectively.

Command Stderr log [1] File log [1]
trinity INFO [2] DEBUG [2]
trinity --stderr-log-level ERROR ERROR DEBUG
trinity --file-log-level INFO INFO INFO
trinity --file-log-level ERROR
--stderr-log-level ERROR
trinity --log-level ERROR (trinity -l ERROR) [3] ERROR ERROR
trinity --l DEBUG2 -l 'p2p.discovery=ERROR' [4]
DEBUG2 but only
DEBUG2 but only
trinity --l ERROR -l 'p2p.discovery=DEBUG2' [4]
ERROR but also
DEBUG2 for
[1](1, 2) A stated level e.g. DEBUG2 always means that log level or higher (e.g. INFO)
[2](1, 2) INFO is the default log level for the stderr log, DEBUG the default log level for the file log.
[3]Equivalent to the previous line
[4](1, 2) For per-module configuration, the equal sign (=) needs to be used.
[5]Increasing the per-module log level above the general --file-log-level is not yet supported (See issue 689 )

Enabling tab completion

Trinity can be configured to auto complete commands when the <tab> key is pressed.

After installing trinity, to activate tab-completion in future bash prompts, use:

register-python-argcomplete trinity >> ~/.bashrc

For one-time activation of argcomplete for trinity, use:

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete trinity)"